Welcome to pyutil

A Python Library of Matt's Useful Utility Files

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  • docs: This documentation
  • pyutil: The pyutil code
  • site: The mkdocs build of this site
  • tests: Unit testing code

Code Documentation


A recursive routine that fits the blaze function of an echelle spectrum. This is useful for cross correlation or equivalent width determination. The algorithm will continue until either the rms reaches maxrms or numcalls has been reached, whichever comes first.

Parameters: - wav: the wavelength - spec: the relative flux - maxrms: the maximum root mean square of the residuals - numcalls: the maximum number of recursive calls to make.


The returned fit array contains the numpy.polyfit 7th order polynomial coefficients of the best fit to the continuum.


from pyutil.blazeFit import blazeFit
fit = blazeFit(wav, spec, maxrms, numcalls=150)


A routine for establishing a connection to the CHIRON MySQL database.

Parameters: - legacy: [Optional] Boolean argument specifying what will be returned. The default is False, which returns an SQLAlchemy+PyMySQL engine. If True, a PyMySQL connection is returned instead. The SQLAlchemy+PyMySQL engine returned as the default was added because the MySQL connections are deprecated in pandas.


Either a SQLAlchemy+PyMySQL engine or a PyMySQL connection, depending on the input.


  • For a pymysql connection:
from pyutil import connectChironDB as ccdb
conn = ccdb.connectChironDB(legacy=True)
  • For an SQLAlchemy mysql+pymysql engine:

The MySQL connection flavor has been deprecated in pandas and will be removed in a future version. However, MySQL will still be supported through SQLAlchemy. To prepare for this (and get rid of the annoying warning messages), the default object returned from connectChironDB is now an SQLAlchemy engine:

from pyutil import connectChironDB as ccdb
engine = ccdb.connectChironDB()


A routine for retrieving and continuum normalizing spectra from the CHIRON Spectrometer. Continuum normalization in this case divides each echelle order by a polynomial fit to the respective order in the master flat field.


  • obnm: The observation name to restore. CHIRON observation names are in the format chiyymmdd.####, where yymmdd are the year, month, and day, and #### is the chronological sequence number that identifies the observation.
  • normalized: [Optional] Boolean argument specifying if the returned spectrum should be normalized or not. The default is True. If True, the blaze function is determined by fitting the nightly quartz exposures with a polynomial model.


A CHIRON spectrum that is optionally normalized.


from pyutil.getChironSpec import getChironSpec
normspec = getChironSpec('chi150223.1125', normalized=True)


A routine for determining the p-value to the Pearson linear correlation coefficient through a Bootstrap analysis.


A routine for binning heteroscedastic unevenly sampled time series data. This is similar to velplot in IDL. Specified time bins are used to bin the data. For each bin a weighted mean value is calculated.


  • df: An input pandas DataFrame with at least 3 columns: the observation times, the measurements, and the associated uncertainties.
  • time: [Optional] The column name of the observation time column in the DataFrame. The default value is "JD".
  • rv: [Optional] The column name of the observation column. The default value is "mnvel".
  • unc: [Optional] The default column name for the uncertainty column. If not specified, "errvel" will be used.
  • timebin: [Optional] The bin size, in the same units as the time column of the input DataFrame. The default value is 0.5.
  • phase: [Optional] The fractional amount the bin center time will be shifted by. For example, if the input time column is days, and timebin=2, setting a phase=0.5 will shift the times of the returned bins by one day.


A pandas DataFrame with the binned weighted mean values.


dfout = wgtdMean(dfin, time="JD", rn="mnvel", unc="errvel", timebin=0.5, phase=0)